Roth's Master Portfolio
Shoes come in all different sizes, styles, colors, etc. When a person chooses a pair of shoes to wear, he/she takes into consideration his/her outfit, comfort, and purpose of the selected pair of shoes. Even though there are a variety of shoes to choose from, each pair of shoes has the same ultimate goal to protect and support the feet they cover as well as being attractive. Educators are very similar to shoes. Educators prepare students for all the different steps they take in life. Shoes prepare feet to wander about. By providing knowledge and needed life skills, educators prepare students to succeed in everyday life, pursuing higher education, and future career aspirations even though each student has defining characteristic differences and life goals.


Hello, my name is Tiffany Roth. Even though I am qualified to teach 5th through 12th grade mathematics, my teaching career has been focused on high school mathematics. I have been an educator teaching mathematics for two (2) years. The 2010 – 2011 school year will be my third year teaching and teaching at a South-Central school in Kansas. I have taught Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II courses. 

During the past 14 months, I have been working to complete my Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Degree through Southwestern College. I believe the more experience and knowledge an educator has the more equipped he/she is at teaching and being able to meet the needs of the students. This Internet based portfolio is designed to display the different types of shoes I have used during my teaching career and the Master’s program.

The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards has agreed upon five (5) Core Propositions that an educator, who has completed a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, must be able to provide sufficient evidence of mastery. Every Core Proposition (CP) has a number of elements that outline each proposition and each element must be supported with artifacts (documents) that provide evidence to the educator’s knowledge and skill. On each CP page, you will find the Core Proposition, the outlining elements, supporting artifacts, and a reflective writing.